Moral ambition for corporate lawyers

Written by Maaike Roet – CEO & Founder House

The year 2024 seems to be (among other things) the year of 'moral ambition'. Moral ambition means something like 'acting on the basis of personal integrity and using your talent for something for which you want to be remembered later'. Now that this trend also fits in with House's mission with 'legal for tomorrow' and we think it is important to also include corporate lawyers, this blog is published today.


Social examples

Striking social examples of moral ambition are lawyer Bénédicte Ficq, who is suing directors of large companies for 'environmental crime', and journalist Rutger Bregman, who recently called on young talented lawyers and consultants in the Zuidas in the FD not to sell their talent to the highest bidder , but rather to use it to solve social problems. He calls that 'Moral ambition' and writes a book about it.


What is moral ambition?

Moral ambition goes beyond simply adhering to the law. It implies a profound awareness of the ethics that underlie the legal system. It is about striving for a higher standard of moral behavior than what is strictly legally required. Corporate lawyers with moral ambition recognize that their role in the company is not only about enforcing rules, but also about - perhaps even with the company - promoting fairness and ethical conduct in society.


Moral ambition in daily work: how?

You may now be thinking: 'big words and great goals to pursue', but I'm far too busy for that. Logical, but then I would like to remind you that as a corporate lawyer you also hold a responsible position. In my opinion, that requires some moral ambition. Moreover, it is not only about avoiding unethical behavior, but (and in my opinion much more) about actively pursuing justice and honesty in the (corporate legal) advice you provide. Here are some practical steps you can take today.

1- Integrate ethics into decision making
In any legal matter, it is important to integrate ethical considerations into the decision-making process. Don't just think about the legal aspects, but also consider the broader ethical implications for all parties involved.

2- Continuous professional development
Keep your knowledge of ethics and professional responsibility up to date. Take courses, read relevant literature and participate in ethical discussions to deepen and broaden your understanding. As part of your professional development, also consider doing volunteer work.

3- Take on a mentor role
For corporate lawyers with more experience, taking on a mentor role is invaluable. Sharing ethical insights and guidance contributes to the development of moral ambition among younger generations of corporate lawyers.



Moral ambition is not an optional extra for corporate lawyers in their daily work. In my opinion - and especially in this day and age - it is a necessary pillar for sustainable and ethical corporate legal work. By embracing moral ambition, corporate lawyers contribute to promoting justice, honesty and integrity. It is not only a professional obligation, but also an opportunity to have a lasting positive impact on society. Legal for tomorrow!

Legal Counsel Boat – Amsterdam canals – edition 2023

Legal Counsel Boat – Amsterdam canals – edition 2023

Written by Maaike Roet – CEO & Founder House.

The first edition of the Legal Counsel Boat – Amsterdam canals – edition 2023 for House relations was a great success. Sailing over the sun-drenched Amsterdam canals in a beautiful spacious sloop from Rederij Nassau. Inspiring conversations, nice people and beautiful views. (photo credits: Christian Kalse)

This article was written by Maaike Roet

Robert Buisman - CEO & Founder NOMOBO.

Robert Buisman - CEO & Founder NOMOBO.

NOMOBO is a creative video content agency producing exciting, energetic content for the world's leading brands.

1. What doubts did you have beforehand?
"It was more that I didn't know House well enough. I thought we were going to hop from legal counsel to legal counsel all the time. That it didn't come down to building a relationship".

2. How was your experience with our legal services in the end?
"Very nice, really great. I also have direct contact with our legal counsel Paul. We built a relationship in a short time. I can call him right away. He knows what he is doing, works thoroughly, stays critical. He also keeps the right pace and goes into enough depth".

3. What were your results from using our legal counsel Paul?
"To start: better protection of our productions and covering risks on location. In addition, during turbulent times, our legal counsel ensured that we do things by the book and follow the statutes. Furthermore, at NOMOBO - through the quick "legal" check on certain issues - we were able to force openings in business conflicts. I can share my vision with our legal counsel and then I get enough ammunition to get going myself, preventing a real legal escalation. By the way, this doesn't mean I use legal counsel for hours, I can just make a phone call. This reflection gives self-confidence. Our legal counsel is a real trusted advisor and sparring partner".

4. Who would you recommend this to?
"I highly recommend House's legal services for start-up companies. If you have a business and you want to protect it, bring in an expert, so you have precisely quick access to legal and therefore quicker results. If I had known House earlier, as in at an earlier stage of my business, it would have helped to cover risks quickly. It can really save you in the long run. I also like the approachability of House and that they have an expert in house for every subject".

5. What else is fun to talk about?
"There is so much to think about in terms of legal. We were filming in San Francisco (USA) during a production, which featured an iconic tower with a company logo on it. Then it turned out that even if you film in public, there can be certain restrictions in terms of image rights, such as that the architecture is protected. So the images couldn't just be used commercially. After we investigated everything carefully, it turned out that - the moment you don't specifically focus on some buildings - it is allowed to use "cityscapes”.



New vision House of Lawyers leads to new name: House. Legal for tomorrow

Written by Maaike Roet - CEO & Founder House

House. Legal for tomorrow is the new name of House of Lawyers. This name change is the result of their new vision for Legal.

"We believe that with legal we can contribute to a better world for tomorrow," says Maaike Roet, CEO and Founder of the legal services provider. "We support companies that operate sustainably and make an impact. We do that by deploying flexible legal counsels."

The Why
“As a legal counsel with the law at your disposal, you have the ideal position and 'tools' to initiate positive change," continues Roet. "There is a growing group of businesses and impact organizations that are forming the global movement for a more just and sustainable economy. For example B-Corps; these are companies that believe it is important to pursue not only financial value, but also value for people and the environment.”

“House. Legal for tomorrow wants to make a positive impact on the world by supporting these companies in the legal field. We believe that the time is ripe for it and that society also expects from legal counsels to take a step forward. For example by implementing the 'UN Sustainable Development Goals' in a company's code of conduct."

New name and look
"We felt that we also needed to reflect this new vision and mission in our name and appearance. This resulted in the name House. Legal for tomorrow, but also a new corporate identity and website. With our House Talks on impact and innovation in legal and with our legal blogs, we will continue to pay attention to this important vision and mission. If you want to stay informed, please sign up for the newsletter at"

This article appeared on Mr. Online on March 23, 2023.

Daphne van Oppenraaij - General Counsel & Head of Legal PreZero Nederland: 

"We are very happy that House is temporarily joining our team. Two important starting points for us here were expertise and flexibility. And that is what we found at House."

Inge Bremmer – Head of Legal NLdigital:

"We are very happy to have House as our legal partner; they support our legal department in the field of ICT law in serving our members. They managed to provide us in a short time with legal reinforcement that matches the existing team, with the right knowledge and experience and also with understanding the business of our members."

House Talk Online - April 21, 2023

House Talk Online - April 21, 2023 - 11am-12pm

Data & Privacy for non-privacy practitioners - speaker Ilona Crommentuyn (AEGON Netherlands)

Our House Talks Online are to inspire Heads of Legal to work on Innovation and Impact in Legal. This House Talks Online is dedicated to Data & Privacy for non-privacy practitioners. The world of data and privacy is moving very fast right now. How do you make sure you are up to date even as non-privacy legal counsel? What do current developments mean for the day-to-day business of your firm? You want to be up-to-date, don't you?

That's why we are hosting House Talks Online on Friday, April 21, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on this topic. With speaker Ilona Crommentuyn (Senior Legal Privacy Officer at AEGON Nederland). Ilona will take us through the current developments in Data & Privacy 2023 in a nutshell: what is going on in NL/EU? Developments in case law, in connection with DORA and the AI ACT, among others. As well as Data & Privacy in the financial sector: what are the specifics? Interactive propositions and discussion on the dilemmas. We also share best practices in this area.
Would you like to attend? Register via the button below.

Attend here





Why working on your leadership is just as important as working in your leadership and how to approach it

Written by Anouk Schaap - Conscious Leadership expert

Why working on your leadership is just as important as working in your leadership and how to approach it

Leadership is a profession in itself. It's a job next to your job. Leadership comes with great responsibility; everything you think, do or say has an impact with a 'ripple' effect. In both a positive and negative sense. Working on your leadership is crucial to ensure that you create a positive 'ripple' effect among the people you work with every day. As an expert in your field, working on your leadership will most likely not be a priority. In this blog we share the most important reason to work on your leadership and what the next steps are. Legal for tomorrow!

“You don't know what you don't know until you know it”

95% of the time your life is controlled by beliefs and habits programmed into the subconscious mind. The beliefs you have learned lead to daily thoughts from which your words and actions flow. Without having bad intentions, your belief system can have a negative impact on the people in your team or organization. You cannot change what you are not aware of, so it is very important to make the unconscious conscious and make changes from there. Holding a mirror up to yourself (or having it held up) is crucial for future-proof leaders. Don't take your leadership lightly and make room for self-reflection and growth in self-knowledge.

Radical responsibility

The biggest shortcoming in leadership these days is a lack of taking full responsibility. “I regularly see leaders who do not take responsibility for things where they unknowingly cause damage.” Anouk Schaap is a Conscious Leadership Expert and works with high-level leaders on their leadership. “A lot of attention is paid to circumstances that seem to lie outside the leader, while the leader almost always has influence on a situation. I hold up an honest mirror to leaders and invite them to take responsibility.” Investigate for yourself what you are inclined to accuse someone else or a situation of something. Take an honest look at what responsibility you have neglected and decide today to take full responsibility for your (unconscious) impact. The full 100%, no more, but certainly no less.


Step one towards future-proof leadership is awareness. Step two is taking full responsibility. Step three is not entirely unimportant; the translation. By growing daily in self-knowledge and taking full responsibility, you will want to take new steps that translate into words, behavior and perhaps even strategy or policy. Vulnerability is a theme you will encounter here. Vulnerability in admitting mistakes or even asking forgiveness for the impact you have unknowingly had on someone else (forgiveness is extremely powerful so do not skip the step if necessary).

You can absolutely take these steps yourself without outside help. However, at House - Legal for tomorrow we believe in the power of a mentor for legal professionals and therefore decided at the beginning of this year to offer General Counsel Mentoring for Heads of Legal, General Counsels and Legal Directors, who want to grow as leaders and people. You will work with our mentor Anouk Schaap for a period of one year. Anouk is a Conscious Leadership expert, works as an executive mentor and is the founder of Home of Conscious Leadership. Curious? Send us a message ( and we will tell you everything about the program.

Robert Buisman - CEO & Founder NOMOBO

"I would highly recommend House’s legal services to start-up companies. If you have a business and you want to protect it, bring in an expert, so that you have fast access to legal counseling and therefore faster results. It can really save you in the long run. Furthermore, I like the approachability of House and that they have an expert for every topic."


Bram Gerets – Legal Director Belron International / Carglass

"I think the way House creates engagement between the legal counsels in the House Team is unique on the legal market. Openness, flexibility, business minded and pragmatism are therefore values that are really lived at House. These are also the values that are constantly invested in. The legal counsels are not attorney-types, but true business partners."